
I'm on vacation and traveling extensively at the moment. I've got some good news to share. I have gotten into NYU with a partial scholarship! I will be pursuing an MBA in the fall. Completing the admission requirements was a monumental task. But getting acceptance was the icing on the cake. I'm simply ecstatic and can't wait to start working on adding another academic achievement to my resume. Nothing is impossible as long as you put your mind to it. Wish me godspeed!


  1. Thanks! For the MBA, the scholarships at NYU are merit-based. You just have to apply. They'll give it to you if they determine you deserve it. I'll say that I had excellent overall GPAs in my two bachelor's degrees. I also wrote great essays, provided strong EQ endorsements, and furnished a robust paper trail for my stable work history, experience, and volunteer work for society. So, all those facets added up to obtaining the scholarship. All the best, now!

  2. Congratulations. I am so happy for you. It must have been a moment of unfathomable joy. How did you react when you knew that you got the admission?

    1. Thanks, Rajan! I appreciate the kind words. I was totally ecstatic when I found out about the decision. How are your studies going?

  3. Hi, I can imagine the joy. I am doing good with studies. I must say that i am not enjoying the courses I took this term. Consumer behavior and Multinational management are by far the worst courses I have takes in terms of how they are organised. I really have quality concerns for this course. No dedicated reading materials, vague indications, broken or inaccessible links, instructors who just copy and paste our words to provide feedback, etc. etc.... To add insult on the injury a bit of unfair peer assessment...Thats what is going on now. Hope it all comes back to normal with next term's courses. You take care and enjoy the new adventure. Hope you will complete the contents on this blog.


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