All done!

I'm officially done with my Bachelor's at the UoPeople. I'm immensely proud of the effort, time, and resources I spent to complete my 2nd degree. I've updated one of the entries sharing my experiences with instructors at the school, and I'll write a few more on the rest of the classes, Saylor, Sophia, HBS CORe, and my Program Advisor. This deserved a dance and a party. Double-tap to enjoy the silly moves!



  1. Hello,
    I don't know why I felt sad when you said you are done. I have been following you since I joined business administration at Uopeople. You may remember me from some past conversations. I would like to say a big thanks to you for posting all these valuable information here which is one of my go to thing when I plan my future courses. I have always struggled to balance my work time and study time and never took more than two courses in a term. Even those two courses needed a lot of planning. That's where you always came in. I look for key words like light weight, challenging, etc. in your post just to make good combination of courses and trust me it has worked flawlessly so far, with a couple of exceptions here and there. You may know by now that at Uopeople there is barely any conversation between peers other than the discussion posts. So, things like this that you have really help students to know about the experiences and learn something from them. You have done a beautiful job. Don't stop sharing your experiences. We will be looking for more. And, Congratulations on the completion.
    The info you shared about Saylor and Sophia was something new and helpful.

    PS: That move was really awesome, especially, the ending move. Not at all silly :-) . You rock...


    1. Hi Raj,

      Thanks for the kind words and wishes. I appreciate it :) And yes, I certainly recall that we had a conversation in the past. It's lovely feedback like yours, which makes me keep going and help people by sharing my experiences at the UoPeople via the blog.

      I agree with your point of no conversation among students beyond the discussion posts, which for me, was the fundamental reason for starting this blog. In the beginning, when I used to register for courses, I wanted to hear people's detailed thoughts about the course load. However, I felt that students didn't really share their experience in terms of classes and instructors at the UoPeople beyond stating "it's easy/hard," etc. So, I identified a problem and thought I could help others by enlightening them about the obstacles they might face in each class at the school. Lastly, I'll certainly share more of my experiences in the coming days/weeks.

      P.S. Thanks for appreciating my silly moves, lol :)



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