My First Offline Proctor Experience at UoPeople

I have been using an online proctor ever since I started my journey at the UoPeople. However, last term, I decided to use an offline proctor to see what the experience was like. I used a real-life professor from UCLA who is the dad of one of my best friends. For an offline proctor, you’ve to plug in their name, occupation, phone number, email, and country of residence in the UoPeople's Portal. My friend’s professor dad received an email from the school asking him to verify if he could volunteer to proctor the exam, which he accepted.

When it comes to the time of the Final Exam, an offline proctor is supposed to receive a code a week before the exam that allows them to proctor the exam by being with the student to make certain that the student is ethically taking the test. Unfortunately, my proctor never received the code. I had to complain twice to my Program Adviser who then helped send the code to my proctor on the day of the exam. Only then, I was able to take my proctored exam.

It was my first encounter with using an offline proctor, and the experience didn’t go smoothly. Nonetheless, full points to the school for resolving the issue timely. I might not use an offline proctor again. Nevertheless, if you’re in the same boat and if your offline proctor doesn’t receive the exam code from the UoPeople, then complain to your Program Advisor. They'll help in getting it resend to your proctor. Good luck!


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