Weird, Odd, Warm, and Hilarious things at UoPeople

I will keep this entry up to date as I come across or recall more occurrences.

1. A student providing feedback in French to other students in my first class at the UoPeople tops the list. Many African countries' national language is French. It was hilarious to see a student reply in French to other students. Many students and even the instructor comically told the student to respond in English. It got to a point where everyone accepted them and did not care. 

2. Two parts of DNA are called parent and daughter cells. One student who hadn't done their weekly readings in Biology class asked me in the discussion forum why such a cell is only found in females? 😂

3. A heated argument between two students in my Microeconomics class with the instructor nowhere to be found was quite surprising. 

4. A student messaging me on Moodle and telling me if I grade them well, they would grade me well was very odd. 

5. Next to cheating, students uploading assignments of other students on Course Hero and other similar websites were probably one of the lowest things I have witnessed at the UoPeople. 

6. Students/Instructors messaging me at the end of the course and saying goodbyes was one of the warmest things I have experienced at the UoPeople. 

7. Students not reading the end references page and telling other students they didn't include it is a travesty.

8. Good job or blank feedback with grades like 6//10, 7/10 is the biggest joke in itself at the UoPeople.

9. One of the students in her introductions shared her biggest achievement is that her posts on Facebook get plenty of likes. I'm not saying this in a demeaning way. For some students from underprivileged backgrounds, perhaps that is their tremendous achievement. So, be kind. 

10. One student, in reply to using their skills to help the environment, said that they like sipping tea while watching birds chirp in their household 👀🤯

Last Updated: Jan 10th, 2023


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