The Blog is Monetized now (all proceeds will go to the UoPeople!)

I have got the blog monetized today. I already had an AdSense account, which I got approved when I started a YouTube channel years ago. AdSense is not my primary source of income. I feel blessed to have been making enough to support myself and live a comfortable lifestyle through my work and investments. I've donated about $600 to the UoPeople over the years so it can help students who come from underdeveloped places that cannot afford education.

The blog has been getting some consistent traffic for a while. I had resisted with the idea of monetization until now. But the notion of helping others is a virtuous cause that I firmly believe in. Hence, the blog is monetized now. All the proceeds from the blog would go to the UoPeople through donations. Please understand that I'm not asking you to make a donation to me or send me money. The blog would generate money gradually on its own through ads from Google. I'll then donate it to the UoPeople. The only nuisance for you as a reader is that you would see ads on the blog from today. So, understand that the ads are for a noble cause, and I won't be keeping a dime from the earnings. Also, please bear in mind that I won't be able to finance or help any student directly. It'll be the UoPeople that will decide which students to assist through scholarships or other assistance they provide.

Thank you!


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