"Hall of Shame" Peer Assessments at UoPeople and my Thoughts on Improvement

This is just a place where I will be posting picture evidence of how terrible Peer Assessment is at the UoPeople. I feel this is something I should've done before as I only have a year or less left at the school. I believe unfair peer assessors might not do very well in organizations where they got to make critical decisions after reading merely two to three pages of text. I also think that peer assessment is the weakest aspect of the school. Most of the rating aspects students receive are mostly empty, and peers give low grades without telling us where we lack. 

In my view, peer assessment might work at schools where students are systematically exposed to it from a young age or at least come from the same educational system. Having our works graded by students who have no prior knowledge about the subject and don't have a good command of the language is not only asking too much out of students but also a poor decision on the school's part. In my previous degree from a brick-and-mortar school, I used to have TAs (Teaching Assistants) who used to grade my midterms and sometimes finals. The TAs were mostly senior students from the same field of study. It is something that the UoPeople should consider and explore. Even Coursera does something similar to this. Here are some terrible peer assessments that I received: 



What is this then?



This student rated me 7 because I didn't put my ideas in bullet form, which wasn't a requirement. My grade slipped from the 90s to the 80s.  


A tale of three peer assessments:

i. 90/90

ii. 84/90

iii. 63/90

Good work, really?


It's probably 3rd or 4th time I've been told by a student that I didn't include end references. My hunch is most students don't scroll to the last page to even see my end references, which is sad and ludicrous. Good thing that a decent instructor was there to fix it most of the time.

Last updated: Jan 21st, 2023


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