Principles of Marketing (BUS 2201) at UoPeople

I felt Principles of Marketing (BUS 2201) at UoPeople was tailor-made for me. I think I enjoyed this class way too much. I have worked in several newspaper and real estate agencies, and I was able to connect many of the topics covered in the course with things I have experienced and come across in my professional career. 

It was a huge class with around 36-40 students. I prefer smaller classes to bigger ones as that way you can interact with more students and read everybody’s discussion posts. It also gives the instructor a chance to read and converse directly with students. Anyway, I had a really awesome instructor who was teaching the course for the first time. Though she wasn’t active in the discussion forum, she posted weekly updates, guidelines, gave constructive feedback on the learning journals, and was very accessible via email. We both did some detective work together to find out from where one of the students I reported to her for cheating had plagiarized the material. It was quite a satisfying experience, lol. 

Most of the assignments (discussion forum and written) were straight out of the questions from the book. I must say that the book assigned for this course was one of the best I had come across in my academic career. It was straightforward and to the point. The learning journals required a bit of critical thinking, though, and wanted you to talk about practical examples from your country.

All the graded quizzes came straight out of the book. Creating notes for this course is relatively easy as the book highlights the keys terms and definitions in the corners. The final was one hour long with 40 questions. All of them were regarding marketing definitions, which just shows the significance of making notes. I worked very hard in the class and ended up getting an A+. It’s the only business course so far where I have gotten A+. I’m incredibly proud that I got it even when I was going through surgery for Melanoma and then chemotherapy. 

If you create notes, do all your work diligently, and study hard, then I guarantee that you can do very well on this one.


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